Tuesday, February 01, 2005
MedFaire Cookbook
We've been working on the MedFaire Cookbook (still nameless, but I am kind of leaning towards a salute to Sir Kenelm Digby and his A Closet Open'd, perhaps calling it A Cauldron Crack'd?
There are a few other choices under consideration as well.
Now, we just have to pick the recipes.
Scottish Eggs will naturally be in there, along with shortbreads, gingerbreads, manchettes, some hearty stews, and a few interesting subtleties.
Naturally, since we will make them, we will also photograph them and include pictures in the book. They'll be black and white to save on the cover price since we'll "vanity publish" the book in order to have copies on hand by MedFaire. No publishing house I know of can have the books ready for sale in 2 months.
Next year, however, especially if the book proves to be popular, we can upgrade to color photographs.
And because we've been doing MedFaire for 28 years (Well, actually, since Manager is 22, she's only been doing hte Faire for 22 years), we have lots of anecdotes with which to spice up the pages.
Some of the recipes are ones requested by friends and compatriots at the faire year after year. The Scottish Eggs, for example, along with the shortbread, the gingerbread, and the sourdough.
Last year, we made 120 Scottish Eggs, and barely had enough. This was with keeping the Eggs secret and offering them only to very special people. Had we offered the Eggs for sale, we would have needed so many more Eggs...
The recipes inside the book will be altered for the home kitchen, in small batches, with commonly available ingredients. We won't make you search for exotic ingredients such as galangal root.
I think our base line will be if you can't find it at WalMart or Kroger's or some similar low-end grocery store, then it won't be in the book.
What do you think of the title Faire Food from the Cracked Cauldron?