
Tuesday, July 06, 2004


Manager has a meeting with the Women's Business Center again today.

They'd scheduled it for yesterday, which I thought odd, as most government agencies were closed to celebrate the 4th.

It turns out they were indeed closed, but the counselor had gone in anyway because she'd scheduled Manager's meeting that day. Manager emailed her to find out if the Center was actually open, and received an immediate return email explaining what had happened. Manager suggested they postpone the meeting, to which her counselor heartily agreed.

They'll be discussing other funding sources today. A bank loan is great, but if she can also secure grants or alternative funding, that will help a lot.

Manager has selected an artist to design the logo for the business card and signage, and we're waiting to hear back from her.

C., who owns the property on NW Expressway, will be getting Manager a copy of the pre-lease agreement today or tomorrow (whenever his lawyer makes the copy).

Everything is ready, all we need now is the financing...

Once the money is approved, things will certainly pop.

I'm working on the marketing package and annual sales schedule so we can work out the bake schedule and basic supplies.

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